Over the past two weeks on Friday’s room 17 have been playing Badminton in the hill.
When I hard that room 17 were going to play Badminton, I felt nerves and excited at the same time. It was so hard that I couldn't concentrate very will . It was so very hard.
The week after that there was a different teacher and her name is Donna , she was teaching as how to hold the grip of the racket, she told us that when you serve you have to always use your forehand. You maybe wondering what backhand and forehand is, will it is when you move your right hand goes side to side hitting the shuttlee.
Me and my partner were strangling how to serve properly , it was just to hard for us. As me and my partner were playing badminton, we could hear other team’s making pinging sounds.
I could see shuttle’s going side to side and I could also see shuttle’s on the ground, it was so messy.
After a few days of badminton I think I now have the hang of it, I am so excited for the next sessions .